Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Little Texas History

Growing up no matter what state we lived in at the time, (Ca,Pa,or Tx) my parents always made sure we got out and explored. I know Shawn had the same experience too. I want to make sure our kids get to do that as well. I think it is very important to actually "see" places and not just read about them in books. Sooooo, off we went to WASHINGTON -ON- THE -BRAZOS. The Birthplace of Texas. I packed up the kids, put on Pat Green on the radio and off we went. We took some back roads on the way to see some great Bluebonnets as well. I got a tip from a girl online that there is a great bridge with bluebonnets growing near it, so I figured since we were up that way we should try to find it. We did! I got some great pictures! Ryan & Kathleen had so much fun running down the hill to see the bridge. After some pictures and a bit of playing we set off to the park.

The Windmill by the bridge


The kids running to the bridge



We took some more bluebonnet pictures as well




When we got to the park they played a bit on the playground and had a snack. Then we decided to see the Life on The Farm part. I figured they were a tad to little to really "get" Independence Hall (there is a replica which is where the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed). I also did not think they would do well in The State of the Republic Museum either. The Living Farm was right up our alley though. We had so much fun!
They loved roaming the farmhouse which is the actual house (not a replica) of Anson Jones, the last president of the Republic of Texas. They also had replicas of the barn and slave quarters as well. Costumed staff were there to explaine things and taught the kids about life on the farm. They were in heaven!!

The Farmhouse



A few toys that the kids loved trying out


washing clothes



In the Kitchen


Peeking through the fence to see the cow in the barn



one of the two slave quarters



Kathleen liked trying out all the beds. She did this to each one. It was so funny!


They loved the baby pigs!



We had a fantastic day and learned a tad of Texas History along the way. I have a ton more pictures that I will get up soon. I want to try to take the kids to places like this every few weeks. I forget they are just a short distance away. Maybe we will go on a weekend sometime so Shawn can go too. :)

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