Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Brother/Sister love

maybe a tad too much love! haha! I took this at the park the other day and thought it was cute. I just have to share.


We had a great Memorial Day. I'm still uploading pictures. Stay tuned!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Schools Out for the Summer Time

Ryan had his last day of school on Weds. He is out for the summer! His class sang about five songs for the parents (one in French and another in Spanish!). It was so cute. If I can figure out how to post a video I will get it up here to see. It is adorable! At the end of the program each child got a certificate saying that they have completed their Teddy Bear class and that they are ready for Frisky Frogs in the fall. Here is a cute shot of Ryan with his award!


It was a fun year. Fall will be here before we know it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

East Shore Fun

We went to East Shore today to check out what is going on around there. The kids had so much fun by the water! I'm so glad I had my camera with me. :) Plus, I got to practice with my new lens that Shawn got me for Mother's Day! :)

Running towards the boathouse


cutie Ryan


Sweet baby Kathleen


I love this one! I love that they are holding hands!!!


Playing around in the grass and flowers



This one makes me laugh. Ryan thought baby was getting too close to the water pond. He grabbed her and said "No baby! Too Close!" haha!


We had fun today checking out East Shore. It is really pretty there!