Friday, May 23, 2008

Schools Out for the Summer Time

Ryan had his last day of school on Weds. He is out for the summer! His class sang about five songs for the parents (one in French and another in Spanish!). It was so cute. If I can figure out how to post a video I will get it up here to see. It is adorable! At the end of the program each child got a certificate saying that they have completed their Teddy Bear class and that they are ready for Frisky Frogs in the fall. Here is a cute shot of Ryan with his award!


It was a fun year. Fall will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

Andrea S. said...

Once you have your video off your camera and onto your computer....and you're typing your post, there's a add video link right next to add photo. you do a direct upload, or you can imbed a link from a site like photobucket. I do a direct upload for Duck's videos and photos.

Your kids are adorable and good for Ryan! I'm glad the end of the year assembly was good.

Andrea, an SSTM